The Sir Patrick Geddes Memorial Trust has a policy of occasional publication of Geddes-centred or Geddes-related material. To order a publication please click on the paypal button. All orders are secured via paypal. The current stock is described below:

The Life and Legacy of Patrick Geddes 129pp, 8pp colour plates, 26 b/w illustrations, pub Luath Press 2004. £8, ISBN 1-84282-079-6
Published to coincide with the 150th Anniversary of the birth of Geddes on 2 October 2004, this is an impressionistic examination of Geddes’ life, influence and how that influence has waxed and waned – or waned and waxed. Obviously, earlier sources have been drawn upon, but ‘Think Global…’ is not just a rehash of ‘other men’s flowers’ nor is it merely ‘cheap and cheerful’. There are some new angles and re-emphases and there are quite definite contributions to knowledge. Virtually all the illustrations were specially created for the book, or had not appeared in print before in any reasonably accessible text. The contributors have made over their authorial rights to the Trust.
The contents are as follows:
Think Global, Act Local – Walter Stephen
Patrick Geddes – the Life – Walter Stephen
Finding Geddes Abroad – Sofía Leonard
Patrick Geddes: Environment and Culture – Murdo Macdonald
Patrick Geddes: Regional Survey and Education – A Historical Perspective to the 1970s – Kenneth Maclean
A Letter from India – Narayani Gupta
Patrick Geddes – the Legacy – Walter Stephen
New edition 2015: 140pp, 8pp colour plates, 27 b/w illustrations, pub Luath Press 2015. £12.99 ISBN 978-1-910745-09-0

Professor Sir Robert Grieve’s Appreciation of the Effect of Sir Patrick Geddes’ Thinking on His Planning Work in Scotland. 54 pp, B/W illustrations, pub S GEDDESMT, £ Out of Print
ISBN 0-9518273-0-8
Monograph written by one distinguished Scotsman about another, with the following headings:
Introduction, Prologue
Geddes – The Man
My Apprenticeship
The Clyde Valley Regional Plan
The University
The Highlands and Islands Development Board
Final Reflections, Epilogue
Appendix I – Quotations
Appendix II – The Letters of Charles Taylor
A must for anyone interested in the development of ideas about modern living and planning in Scotland in the twentieth century.
The Geddes Awards for Environmental Excellence and Enterprise. 24 pp, pub SPGMT, 50p
Over the years, The Trust has sponsored various schemes seeking to engage students in thinking about Geddes and how to tackle issues which would have engaged him, had he been alive today. This occasional paper looks at the Geddes’ Awards for a number of years and publishes brief reports from the successful students. This paper demonstrates the wide effect of Geddes’ thought on new generations and it is a useful aid to learning about how today’s young people think about major issues.

A Century of School Building in Edinburgh 1872-1972. 118 pp, 48 b/w photographs, 12 b/w illustrations, pub Hills of Home, 1996, £2.50, ISBN 978-0-9555190-1-7
From its origins as a dissertation which won the Research Prize of the Scottish Council for Research in Education in 1979, this study has been extended and updated to take account of change since 1972. Essentially the influences on school building are analysed and then sample schools are examined to show how architects took account of these influences in their designs. Although centred on Edinburgh, there is an assessment of the interplay of local needs and national trends.
As well as an introduction and a conclusion, there are the following chapters:
Roofs over Heads
The Early Board Schools (1872-1890)
The Central Hall and the Drive to Secondary Education (1890-1906)
Health, Hygiene and Finance (1911-1951)
Towards Functionalism (1953-1972)

Get to know your own Place and Work and Folk. 24pp, 2 b/w illustrations, pub SPGMT, 2007, £2.50, ISBN 1-905222-88-2
Edited and Introduced by Kenneth MacLean and Walter Stephen, this is a reprint of a Geddes-inspired field exploration manual published by the Le Play Society and edited by his god-daughter. The Introduction places the manual within the wider context of Geddes-led Regional Survey.

Patrick Geddes, The Living Legacy 140pp, 8pp colour plates, 21 b/w illustrations, pub Luath Press, 2007, £8, ISBN 978-0-9555190-0-0A
Collection of essays, two posthumous, commemorating Geddes and exploring his legacy. A distinguished panel of writers puts forward new knowledge about influences on Geddes and reveals even wider influences than suspected of Geddes on our own time.
Introduction – Walter Stephen
The Regeneration of Edinburgh by Patrick Geddes – Aubrey Manning
Making Planning Respected and Respectable: Lessons from Geddes – James Mackinnon
Universalism and the Genus Loci: Geddes in Cyprus, Italy, Catalonia and Japan – Mike Small
Bengal Boats and Rickshaw Roads – Kenny Munro
Overkill – Frank Spaven
Dunbar to Berwick – a special part of the East Coast Main Line – Frank Spaven
Where was Peter Geddes born? – Walter Stephen
The Light Before the Darkness – Anne-Michelle Slater
Miss Geddes’ Dresden Establishment – Walter Stephen
Through A Glass Clearly: Behind the Photographs of the First Survey of Edinburgh by Patrick Geddes – Sofia Leonard
Cartoons by Hendrik Willem Van Loon: Geddes, Van Loon and Mumford – Walter Stephen
A Geddes Chronology – Contributors
Select Bibliography

48pp, 2 b/w illustrations, pub Hills of Home for the Sir Patrick Geddes Memorial Trust, 2008, £3. ISBN 978-0-9555190-2-4
In a Da Vinci Code style of narrative, Walter Stephen describes the search for the Patrick Geddes birthhouse (unknown until 2007). He brings forward hitherto unknown youthful influences on the great man and observes the special relationship between Deeside and the Royal family.

164pp, 18 b/w illustrations, pub Luath Press 2009, £12.99. ISBN 978-1-906817-23-7
Author Dr Walter Stephen Darwin, Enlightenment and Scotland

38pp, numerous b/w and colour illustrations, pub SPGMT, 2013. ISBN 978-0-9558740-3-1
Outline the concern over the future of Geddes’ Scots College building in Montpelier. Ed: Kenny Munro

233pp, 8 plates, 26 b/w illustrations, pub Luath Press 2014, £12.99. ISBN 978-1-910021-06-4
Women of the Patrick Geddes Circle. Ed. Walter Stephen, Authors Veronica Burbidge, Robert Morris, Kenneth Maclean, Sian Reynolds, Anne-Michelle Slater, Kenny Munro, Swami Narasimhananda, Sofia Leonard, Kate Henderson.
SPGMT, A3 folded Leaflet 2013
Linked Texts
PDFs of articles and scans linked from the main website
Lewis Mumford & Patrick Geddes
A filmed interview with Lewis Mumford by interviewers and film crew Recorded. 24.5.69
Two Friends : Rabindranath Tagore and Patrick Geddes
By Arthur Geddes, Department of Geography, University of Edinburgh, 1961
Geddes Film Influences (WB)
By Roger Kelly, citing Geddes influence on filmmaker Michael Powell
“College des Ecossais, Montpellier” (W)
Verses on the Scots College by Patrick Geddes